Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ten Years!

This past weekend Rick and I spent our first weekend together, with just the two of us, in five years. Our pattern seems to be once every five years. This marks our tenth wedding anniversary. Can you believe it! Ten years! I am definately not that old. For the occasion we visited our nations capital. I had gone when I was a child, but Rick had never been there. It was absolutely wonderful. I wish that it had been a little warmer though. I guess in five years I will just have to choose a tropical place. Thank you to my dad and Janet who braved the weekend with all six kids. I think he gained a whole new appreciation for my job. Hats off to all mothers everywhere! Here are a few pictures of our weekend.

1 comment:

shell said...

You two are awesome! I'm glad you got to have a get-a-way. Having only two kids has made me aware of the importance of that!!